第一年的经验 春天的取向


This page will give you the information you may need as you and your family transition to Westmont.





上午11时至下午1时 搬进宿舍; 地点:你们各自的展厅

1:15 PM 学生及家长参观校园 地点:Kerrwood Hall外集合

2:00 PM 春季课程注册会议 地点:克尔学生中心创始人. This is for students who have not registered or wish to review their schedule. **请带上你的笔记本电脑.

3:00 PM 欢迎会话, 地点:Kerrwood Hall的Hieronymus

3:50 PM 家人和客人道别, 地点:Kerrwood Lawn

4:00 PM 学生成功研讨会, Location: Voskuyl图书馆 (students have ID card photos taken at the end of this session in the Library)

5:30 PM 学生晚宴与迎新小组 Location: Grab to-go meal from the Dining Commons and sit with your small group in Founders

8:00 PM 新学生社会, 地点:GLC西蒙斯中心



不同时期 参加当地教堂的礼拜仪式; 地点:各自的礼拜场所

12:00 PM 西mont体验+午餐 地点:Dining Commons(带午餐给创始人)

1:00 PM 迎新小组 地点:创始人会议室

2:15 PM 教室和资源校园之旅 地点:校园周边

2:00 - 5:00 PM 到邮件中心领取教材(克伍德大厦楼上)



5:00 - 6:00 PM 迎接总统开胃酒会, 地点:在华盛顿特区上方的停车场见面,然后一起走上去



确认后: 登录你的Westmont邮箱 账户 定期查看信息

12月后. 1: 注册课程

在12月. 14支付你的第一笔账单

1月后. 1: 检查 房间分配 和探索 宿舍房间说明

通过简. 3: 完成定向-春季2024画布课程. 请留意是否有人邀请你参加课程!

1月. 1月3日. 5: 在极速上和你的指导老师见面. Your advisor will reach out to you to schedule a meeting to discuss your courses and any other questions you may have.

方向: 2024年1月6日至7日

入学: 1月6日-入住窗口从上午11点到下午1点. 

开学第一天: 1月8日

接待主席:  1月17日



春季迎新活动于1月6日星期六开始. Students can move into the residence halls 1月6日星期六 starting at 11am. 春季迎新活动将持续到1月7日(周日). 1月8日星期一开始上课.


是的! They are welcome to attend the Welcome Session on 1月6日星期六 at 3:00pm on Kerrwood Lawn. 家长可以在家长网站上找到更多的信息 & 家庭网页.


学术顾问可以在很多方面帮助你. They can help you explore your options regarding a major and career choices as they listen and learn about you and your strengths and weaknesses. 在了解大学学术政策方面,它们是很好的资源, 一般毕业要求, 安排课程. You will be assigned an academic advisor when you arrive for Orientation and you will be scheduled to meet with your advisor during the first week of classes.


All full-time faculty members and some student life professionals act as academic advisors.


Spring transfer students register for classes on a rolling basis after you confirm your admission, 12月10日开始. You will be contacted by the Registrar's Office with instructions on registering for classes. 如果您有任何问题,请查看 注册的页面.


Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate requests to move into the residence halls prior to 1月8日. 点击这里查看当地酒店指南.




住在克拉克的学生, Emerson and Page use the upper campus entrance on La Paz Road and follow the signs to the residence hall in which you'll be living.

住在阿明顿的学生, VK and the GLC use the upper campus entrance on La Paz Road and follow the signs to the residence hall in which you'll be living.


Once your Westmont email is activated, you should be able to access your Student Portal. Login and look in the upper right corner for the circular Westmont image/seal. 点击这个,从下拉列表中选择“myProfile”. 下一个, click on the "住房" tab to see your room/dorm assignment and roommate(s) with contact info so you can reach out, 春季计划, 互相了解! 有时, new students are assigned to a different room after the original housing assignment has been made and posted on the student portal. 当这种情况发生时, the 住房 Office will try to communicate the housing change by email or phone call. You may also call the 住房 Office 了解更多信息 at (805) 565-6037.


所有校内床垫都是超长的双人床(80英寸x 36英寸)


不,微波炉是不允许进入学生房间的. 你可以在房间里放一个小冰箱(小于5立方英尺). 有一项额外的费用来支付能源费用.

May I use nails, double-stick tape, or duct tape to hang posters and artwork on my walls?

No, please only bring small tacks and white (not blue) poster putty to hang artwork in your room.


是的,所有在校学生都必须参加膳食计划. New students must be on the unlimited meal plan for the first semester and then may switch to the 15 meal plan or 10 meal plan for the second semester if they wish.


If you need to mail something before Orientation, please send it addressed as follows:


如果你需要寄箱子, 请在到校前两周寄出, 因为我们的存储空间有限. The on-campus post office will be open on Monday, 1月8日 for you to pick up your boxes. 请参阅 邮局页面 了解更多信息.


跟着指示牌走到你要住的宿舍. 每个大厅都有停车位.


不幸的是,由于韦斯特蒙特校区的限制, first-year students are not able to have vehicles on campus (including motorcycles or scooters).


可能! Once your Student Portal is active, please submit your permit request right away and email 住房 & 停车,让他们知道. If you have completed 4 terms of college (post high school graduation) and the parking permit page indicates you are "not eligible", 请联系住房审查资格.


威斯蒙特酒店提供 航天飞机 定期在圣巴巴拉停站. 此外,韦斯特蒙特有一个 dial-a-ride service, called The 955, extending from Santa Barbara airport to Carpinteria.


RA代表住校助理. RAs are current students that live in the same section and residence hall as you, and they are there to help you throughout the residential learning experience. Your RA will plan events, facilitate community, and help you with any questions you have.


RD代表驻院主任. rd是学生生活部的专业工作人员, and they live in the residence halls and are responsible for student development in the residential setting. They also provide leadership for residence hall programming as well as acting as a resource for personal issues students may encounter during the year.


For admitted students, email 账户s should already be created and password set. 如果你还没有这样做,你可以去 在这里找到你的电子邮件地址和创建一个密码.


Westmont provides a high-speed network connection that allows users in-room network and internet access 24-hours a day. 无线互联网可以在韦斯特蒙特大学校园的任何地方访问.


Westmont兼容PC和Mac电脑. 这个决定是个人喜好. 但是图书馆有几台公共电脑(mac和PC), 所以你可能根本不需要个人电脑.


教堂 is held every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10:30 am to 11:20 am. 


每个学生每学期有12次缺课. 要了解更多ag娱乐官网查普尔的信息,请访问 校园牧师页面.


圣巴巴拉地区有很多伟大的教堂. Students generally talk with professors or friends to get recommendations of local churches. 


有些教堂有接送学生的班车. 你可以联系校园牧师办公室了解更多信息!


We are partnered with Slingshot to provide our students with a concierge textbook experience! If you would like all of your required textbooks delivered to your mailbox automatically, 你什么都不做! Just show up for orientation and your books will be waiting for you in the 邮件 Center. You can also choose to source your textbooks à la carte from Slingshot or anywhere you choose. 要做到这一点,请按照书店课本上的提示去做 网站 然后在你的Slingshot账户下选择“退出”. You can then navigate to the ‘buy books” tab and purchase the books you would like from there.


点击这里 for a detailed packing list of what we recommend you bring with you to campus.