取向 常见问题


欢迎来到韦斯特蒙特学院! 我们希望这些信息能回答你的问题,帮助你和你的家人过渡到威斯蒙特.


You can see the full 欢迎堕落勇士 Schedule 在这里.

Are t在这里 events scheduled for my parents?

You can see the full Parent and Family 取向 Schedule 在这里. 父母 can find more information on the 父母 & 家庭 页面.


Academic advisors can be helpful to you in many ways. 当他们倾听和了解你以及你的优缺点时,他们可以帮助你探索你的专业和职业选择. They are great resources when it comes to knowing college academic policies, 一般毕业要求, 安排课程. 他们是很好的交谈对象,他们会给你注册课程的许可!




检查步骤#1:注册 Westmont路线图.

For more details on registering for classes, please refer to the Registrar's Office website at the following link. 学生记录办公室可致电805-565-6060或发电子邮件至registrar@shadleysoapstone.com if students have any questions or concerns about the registration process.

Can I move onto campus before August 21st?

不幸的是, 我们不能接受在勇士欢迎入住之前搬进宿舍的请求. 点击这里查看当地酒店指南.


Each new student will be assigned a specific move-in time on August 24th. 这些分配将在住房分配确认后立即进行沟通. Please plan to arrive on campus at your move-in time and not before as parking & 交通流量在很大程度上取决于由迁入计划设计的车辆的稳定流.  


一旦你搬进来,你将参观Kerrwood Lawn的迎新帐篷,收到你的迎新材料,并从各个部门收到信息.

请考虑在入住当天携带可重复使用的水瓶,以减少使用一次性塑料水瓶或杯子. 宿舍里有免触摸的水瓶加气站,欢迎帐篷里有大水壶.

If I come early for sports, when do I move all my things into my room?

你将在迎新前两周左右从你的临时住房过渡到你的永久住房. If you choose to bring all your things when you arrive to start practice, you will need to keep them in your temporary room. If you have any other questions, please contact your coach.


我们强烈建议你不要带足够的“东西”来装满你的房间. 此外,韦斯特蒙特校区的停车位有限,所以我们要求您只在有标记的地方停车.

W在这里 do I go first when I arrive for 欢迎堕落勇士?

所有的新生都应该从正门进入校园,到达后会受到欢迎. Follow the signs to the residence hall in which you'll be living. You will park and unload all of your belongings in your dorm room. 在您的行李卸下后, 请把你的车开到楼下的停车场,这样我们就有地方给其他人卸货了. 

Are t在这里 events for my parents at 取向?

是的. 家长及家庭迎新会与学生迎新会同时在星期三及星期四举行. You can see the full Parent and Family 取向 Schedule 在这里. 父母 and family members can learn more by visiting the 父母 & 家庭 页面. 

Can my parents/family members register me for classes?

No, your parents/family members cannot register you for your classes. Class registration is one of many decisions we encourage students to make.

When do I find out who my roommate(s) is(are)?

检查学生门户(我的).westmont.Edu/s/). 作业通常在6月份完成.

If you have further questions, please visit the 房地产网站 或联系housing@shadleysoapstone.com. 


What are the general dimensions of my room in Clark or Emerson or Page? 我的房间里有什么家具啊?

有关典型宿舍房间的详细信息和图片,请点击 在这里!

What size mattresses are in the residence hall rooms?

All on-campus mattresses are extra-long twins (80" x 36").


参观 公共餐饮网站.


是的, 除了全球领导力中心的学生外,所有在校学生都必须参加膳食计划. 一年级学生必须在第一学期使用标准膳食计划,然后如果他们愿意,可以通过联系住房办公室切换到15餐计划或10餐计划. 请浏览 住房页面 有关膳食计划的更多信息.

W在这里 do I send things before school starts?


Please address all mail for students as follows:

(学生宿舍和房间号 )

*Please do NOT include “Westmont College” as part of the mailing address.

如果你需要寄箱子, please wait to send them until two weeks prior to coming to campus, 因为我们的存储空间有限. 校园邮件中心将在秋季入学期间开放,供您领取您的邮箱. 请参阅 邮件中心 更多资讯网址.


Every residence hall has washers and dryers for students to do their laundry. Students may download an app to pay for washer and dryer cycles. For pricing, instructions, and more information, visit the 辅助服务页面 在myWestmont门户网站上.


Follow the signs to the residence hall in which you'll be living. 在您的行李卸下后, 请把你的车移到楼下的校园停车场,这样我们就有地方让更多人放下他们的东西.

Are first-year students allowed to have vehicles on campus?

Due to our Conditional Use Permit with Santa Barbara County, 一年级学生不能获得在校园内驾驶车辆(包括摩托车或踏板车)的许可证。.

有关详细信息,请参见 学生停车 页面.

How can I get around Santa Barbara without a vehicle?

威斯蒙特酒店提供 航天飞机 that stops throughout Santa Barbara on a regular schedule. Westmont也有 The955 service extending from Santa Barbara airport to Montecito. 


RA代表住校助理. 助教是和你住在同一个宿舍的在校生, and they are t在这里 to help you throughout the residential learning experience. 您的RA将计划活动,促进ag娱乐官网,并帮助您解决任何问题.


RD代表驻院主任. RDs are professional staff members in the Division of 学生生活, 他们住在学生宿舍,负责学生在宿舍环境中的发展. 他们还为学生宿舍的规划提供领导,并为学生在一年中可能遇到的个人问题提供资源.


当你搬进校园的时候, 你将被要求在你的宿舍与住宿生活的工作人员登记. 您将完成一份房间状况清单,满足您的RA和RD,并收到您的房间钥匙. Please note: if you bring a bike to campus, 您将被要求在搬进校园后向宿舍生活登记自行车.


对于被录取的学生,应该已经创建了电子邮件帐户并设置了密码. If you have not done so already, you can go 在这里 to find out your email address and create a password.

What network access is available from the residence halls?

Westmont提供高速网络连接,允许用户在房间内24小时使用网络和互联网. Wireless internet can be accessed anyw在这里 on the Westmont campus.


Westmont is compatible with both PC and Mac computers. 这个决定是个人喜好. BUT the library has several public computers (both Mac and PC), so you may not need a personal computer at all.

For more information go about setting up your user accounts, check out the 资讯科技网页.



What happens if I can't make it to all chapels?

Each student is allowed 12 absences from 教堂 per semester. To read more information on 教堂, go to the 校园牧师页面.

How do I download the 教堂 Attendance App?

Our 教堂 Attendance System is based on scanning each student's ID card. To read more information on 教堂, go to the 校园牧师页面.


这是 M阿廷研究所,为灵性静修和以神为中心的对话提供空间和资源. The garden has Stations of the Cross and quiet places to pray.


Some churches have 航天飞机s that pick up students. 这个列表是可用的 在这里. 你也可以与你的宿舍的精神培育协调员(SFC)联系,看看提供交通服务的当地教堂的名单.

Are t在这里 separate 取向 events for transfer students?

是的, both at 取向 and throughout the year, programs are planned specifically for Transfer students. On the Westmont Community Guide App, select the track for transfer students.

If I have a specific question about credit transfer, who do I contact?

学生档案办公室的工作人员将帮助您解决您可能遇到的任何转学分问题. 他们的邮箱是registrar@shadleysoapstone.com.



  • 第一年如果有0-25个单位
  • 第二年如果有26-58个单位
  • 第三年是59-91单位
  • 第四年如果超过92个单位

必须完成至少124个学期单元才能获得文学学士学位或理学学士学位. More information on 页面 25 of the Course Catalog

Are transfers allowed to have vehicles on campus?

Eligibility for parking permit privileges is primarily based on class standing. 如果你是初级班或高年级学生,你就有资格申请停车许可证. If you have sophomore class standing, you may request a sophomore permit. 被建议, 虽然, that Sophomore permits are very limited; so if you get a Sophomore permit, 你很幸运! For more information on parking permit eligibility, please click 在这里.


Check out Step #5: Order Textbooks on the Westmont路线图.


T在这里 are no textbook pickups at the Campus Store. 所有的教科书将在办公时间内送到校园邮件中心的学生邮箱. 请参阅 校园邮件中心的网站 几个小时.



  • 可选: Bicycle with Kryptonite or similar lock, 运动器材(飞盘), 网球拍, 壁球球拍, 扣球套, 等.), 广播/音响系统, Small Refrigerator (up to five cubic feet, 而且要付30美元的使用费), 荧光灯手电筒落地灯, 咖啡壶或电水壶, 电视/ DVD /游戏系统, 睡袋或登山装备, 沙滩椅, 原声吉他/手鼓/键盘, Small Portable Evaporative Cooler (Non-Window Venting)

不要带什么:热板, Microwave (provided in Residence Hall Kitchens), 烤面包机/烤箱, 卤素手电筒落地灯, 普通延长线, 蜡烛或油灯, 香, 鼓组, 椅子, 桌子, 或床(房间)都有家具, and t在这里 is often no space to store excess furnishings), 空调, Duct tape to use for Decorations (will cause damage to walls)