取向 转学



作为一名转学生,我们知道你对大学并不陌生, however you are new to Westmont and we're excited to learn from you and to orient you to Westmont. Please plan to join us for new student orientation in August w在这里 you will meet fellow transfers and other new students and become familiar with Westmont traditions and resources.

我们迎新课程的目标之一就是帮助你为学业成功做好准备. 我们也希望你在韦斯特蒙特ag娱乐官网开始感受到被了解和关心.

当你准备到达时,一定要回顾一下 Westmont路线图.

另外,要注意 第一年经验 page for ideas of different opportunities and resources we provide for new students.

Please contact the Campus Life Office if you have any questions before your arrival.






转学生将于8月参加新生迎新会. 虽然你对大学并不陌生, 我们想把你培养成关系型的, 学术, 你在威斯蒙特大学期间的个人发展. We are eager for you to share the diverse aspects of your past college experiences that will inform your transition to Westmont.

在方向, you will be assigned to a small group of fellow transfer students with a transfer specific orientation team leader. You will meet with this group three times during orientation to build relationships and tap into valuable resources for your time at Westmont. T在这里 will also be sessions w在这里 all new transfer students meet and hear from our 学生生活 staff team followed by an ice cream social w在这里'll meet upper class student leaders from Residence Life and Student Government (WCSA). Academic departments will host open houses during 取向 w在这里 you can meet faculty and learn more about majors of interest. 最后, faculty will be available for office hours w在这里 you can finalize any course selection questions and discuss major requirements as needed.

迎新组非常兴奋地欢迎你来到校园, 了解你, 在你过渡到韦斯特蒙大学期间为你服务!

我们渴望支持你. 如果你有任何问题, 请不要犹豫,联系以下一个或多个部门

注册商 注册办公室可以帮助您处理转学分查询, 安排课程和其他学术咨询问题.
安吉拉似幻学生参与主任 安吉拉指导方向 & 监督校园生活. 她可以帮助你找到联系和参与校园活动的方法.
学生成功中心 的 学生成功中心 offers free peer coaches to help students navigate challenges of the college experience, 课堂内外都有.

如果你对出国留学感兴趣——不管是一个学期, 或Mayterm, 校外项目办公室可以帮助你计划和准备.

图书馆 的 研究 Help Desk at the library is happy to assist with your reSearch project inquiries, 并帮助你找到资源. 他们还提供 辅导 特定的韦斯特蒙特课程.
残疾人服务 残疾服务办公室支持, encourages and promotes the 学术 and personal development of each student with disabilities. 他们将讨论住宿问题。, 以及教育策略, 这将使每个学生都有平等的机会茁壮成长.
你的RDs 请随意拜访他们. 他们是来找你的.
你的拉 韦斯特蒙特以其ag娱乐官网而闻名. RA的过程是非常挑剔的,你的RA真的想了解你.


As a transfer or consortium student you will have many different experiences from those of first-year students. Some of you have had time to adjust to the increased freedoms of being in college and away from your family. 然而,你将进入一个新校园的文化. After listening to many of our transfer and consortium students, we offer the following suggestions:


毫无疑问,你听说过韦斯特蒙特是一个学术严谨的地方. Many of our transfers say they have ended up reading more and spending more time studying than they did at previous institutions. 为了帮助你调整,这里有一些建议:

  • 利用学习小组
  • 不要安排太多的课外活动(最多15小时)
  • 与你的教授(在办公时间)和同学交谈
  • 利用图书馆提供的辅导


Westmont is a great community w在这里 people tend to develop deep and often lifelong connections. 但这些联系需要时间来成长和发展. We will work to help you meet a variety of people, but 在这里 are a few ideas to get connected: 

  • 参加迎新活动! 虽然看起来你不需要,但你会遇到很多人. 这也是一个了解校园文化的好机会.
  • 了解你的住宿助理(R.A.) & 迎新组长. 这些人渴望见到你,并把你和其他人联系起来.
  • 加入一个 俱乐部. 韦斯特蒙特有近50个学生俱乐部,以满足学生的各种兴趣. 通常情况下,加入一个俱乐部的承诺是适度的,但回报是巨大的. 

记住,建立亲密的关系需要时间. Getting engaged in Campus Life is one of the best ways to develop 这些 connections.

研究 on transfer students reveals that engaging in the following three things will aid transfer students' adjustments to their new college:

1. 和你的导师谈谈你在威斯蒙特大学的教授也会担任你的顾问. 他们才华横溢,充满智慧,并渴望与你一起走过你的威斯蒙特之旅.

2. 了解教职员工: 韦斯特蒙特的学生会,WCSA,很荣幸能赞助一个 程序 这样一来,学生们就可以通过请教授吃午餐来了解他们.

“不要害怕和教授交谈. 当教授问一个简单的问题时,有些学生脸红得像草莓. 放松. 呼吸. 教授也要吃饭、洗澡,就像你一样. 兰德尔·J. 范德梅(英语教授)

3. 参与“高影响力”的活动 such as: Studying Abroad, Internships, 教师 研究, Senior Capstone Course or Senior Seminar

胡佛,埃里克. 转学生咨询的复杂性." 高等教育编年史. 2011年6月1日.
特里斯,本. “转移不太可能参加‘高影响力’活动." 高等教育编年史. 11月8日.

要在校园或ag娱乐官网找工作,请访问 握手. 更多信息,请访问 COVE就业中心.

你需要带上 这些 随身携带的物品.

Go 在这里 to read Westmont's community commitment to Biblical and 的ological Foundations of Diversity.

的 Intercultural Programs (ICP) Office is a fantastic resource and is 在这里 to support you. T在这里 are multiple intercultural organizations (ICOs) designed to create community for students of color and education for the study body on issues of race, 正义与公平:







For more information on the ICP office, intercultural organizations and ways to get involved, click 在这里.

你是一名正式的韦斯特蒙特战士. 现在?


  1. Westmont的计划 & 资源

  2. 探索圣巴巴拉

  3. 毕业前要做的101件事
  4. 你知道吗?...? |韦斯特蒙历史


的 Westmont的计划 & 资源 列表是了解威斯蒙特大学为学生提供什么服务的好方法. 请注意一年的学生领袖机会.


Sonya Welch is the Coordinator of Academic Support Services in the 注册商's Office and she will help you with any transfer credit inquiry you may have. 她的邮箱是swelch@shadleysoapstone.com


请参考 转职支援小组 选项卡获取转会支持团队的列表.



  • 第一年如果有0-25个单位
  • 第二年如果有26-58个单位
  • 第三年是59-91单位
  • 第四年如果超过92个单位

A minimum of 124 semester units must be completed in order to receive a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree. 更多信息见课程目录第25页

新生静修会 (NSR)是给我的?

是的! 当然欢迎你来参加. 尽管大多数参与者都是一年级学生, we want to provide you with an opportunity to get to know a small group of other transfer students during this retreat. 你可以点击上面的链接获取更多信息.


获得停车许可证特权的资格主要取决于阶级地位. 如果你是初级班或高年级学生,你就有资格申请停车许可证. 如果你是大二的学生,你可以申请限制性许可证. 被建议, 虽然, 限制性许可是非常有限的, and having sophomore class standing does not guarantee that you will be able to get a restricted permit. 有关停车许可证资格的详情,请按 在这里.


Briana transferred Spring semester of her freshman year from San Francisco State University. 她主修音乐, 但她在这里学了很多数学和科学课程, 太, 她很喜欢. 


  • 转学可能是一个可怕的过程, 但我对你的帮助印象深刻, 乐于助人的, 在整个过程中,教职员工都给予了我很大的帮助. Even weeks into the school year, they made an effort to see how my transition was going.
  • 人们真的很高兴见到和成为朋友! 在进入校园之前, I 虽然t I would have to try really hard to meet and introduce myself to new people, 一直以来, 希望能交到新朋友. 但我发现,更常见的是, 其他人会意识到我是新来的,或者我们以前没见过面, 他们会先接近或介绍自己!
  • 转到韦斯特蒙是我做过的最好的决定, 我很高兴韦斯特蒙是我的大学, 还有我的家. 每次转移都有一个特定的转移原因, (我总是乐于分享这些原因!), 但是所有的转学生都渴望找到最适合自己的学校, 他们觉得自己属于哪里.


Steven transferred into Westmont as a Junior, after graduating from a community college. 他主修社会科学,主修政治学, 并计划在大学毕业后读研. Steven评论说, “韦斯特蒙是一种学习, 生活, 一个以基督为中心的繁荣ag娱乐官网. I highly value the rigor and quality of the liberal arts education, and I am confident you will 太!"


  • 了解你的课程如何转换. Check with the Register to ensure that all the classes that need to be transferred have been transferred in the proper way. This will save many headaches down the road and ensure a smooth transition into the Westmont community.
  • 探索不同的ag娱乐官网传统在威斯蒙特. Don't shy away from questions of faith on campus; the community enjoys learning from each other and growing with each while retaining their individual faith identity.
  • Understand what Westmont wants its graduates to be when they finish their studies 在这里. 阅读是一个很好的开始, “我们对毕业生的期望是什么??”