

教师 and staff at Westmont are known for their deep care for students. They are here not only to challenge and grow up academically, 也是为了培养和发展你的社交能力, 在情感上, 专业, 和精神上.

Below is resource information on people and departments that are specifically geared to supporting "first-year" students:

安吉拉似幻他是学生参与部主任 她指导方向, 监督校园生活, and is deeply concerned about your well being and growth as a person as Westmont. 


因为所有一年级新生都住在克拉克, 页面, or Emerson you will get the opportunity to know these fantastic individuals. They are looking forward to supporting you during your first year at Westmont. 请随意拜访他们. 他们是来找你的!

住校助理(RAs)  韦斯特蒙特以其ag娱乐官网而闻名. The RA process is very selective, and your RA's truly want to get to know you!
学生成功中心 The 学生成功中心 offers free peer coaches to help students navigate challenges of the college experience, 课堂内外都有.
COVE就业中心 The COVE就业中心 will help connect you to student employment and discuss assessment tools recommended for new students
残疾人服务 残疾服务办公室支持, encourages and promotes the academic and personal development of each student with disabilities. 他们将讨论住宿问题。, 以及教育策略, 这将使每个学生都有平等的机会茁壮成长.
校外项目 If you're interested in studying abroad--whether that be for a semester, or a month in the summer the 校外项目 Office can help you plan and prepare.


So it’s that time, and you’re off for the grand adventure of college. 在你到达之前, we would like to suggest a few areas for you to think about and prepare for as you come.


This is what you will spend a great deal of time doing in college. Most of you will come with a limited ability to sustain active reading for a long period of time. 这需要练习和自律.

You can ease into the transition by doing some reading over the summer. While it might not be the same type of reading as the academic material you will cover in college, 它会让你练习.

此外,你必须是一个积极的读者. Ask yourself questions about the material while you are reading. 做笔记并标出重点. Look over the whole chapter to get the main ideas before you read it for detail. 这些小事可以带来很大的不同.


大学里的“自由”时间似乎很多. Most of you will only be in class for about 10–12 hours per week. With few assignments between occasional tests and papers, it seems you have a lot of free time. 但这是大学生最大的陷阱之一.

Professors can expect that you will spend two hours outside of class doing 首页work for every hour spent in class. If you do the math, that means you should be spending between 20 and 24 hours each week studying. 你猜对了,大部分时间都花在阅读上了!

所以把这当成你的工作,制定一个时间表. Use your time during the day and don’t expect to get all your studying done at night. 这是一种调整,但你可以做到!


These choices are numerous and all affect your success as a student. 喝还是不喝是一回事. While Westmont has established policies prohibiting the use of alcohol, 选择权在你,责任在你. You have all seen television shows and movies that portray alcohol as part of college. It can seem you are missing out if partying is not part of your college experience. 电影没有展示的是身体, 精神, 酗酒会对学生的精神和学业造成损害. Most Westmont students choose to have a fun and fulfilling experience without alcohol.

这只是你将面临的众多决定之一. How much sleep do you need to get up for your eight o’clock class? 你会做什么样的事情来获得精神上的成长? It might help to think through these questions before you arrive so you’re ready to set the direction for some of the decisions you will face.


Many new students will miss 首页 at some point in the first year . 对一些人来说,会想念父母, for some missing your siblings (can you believe that actually might happen?!),而对其他人来说,可能是想念朋友甚至宠物. 这是健康的,但很难. Schedule regular times to connect with family and friends from 首页 through phone calls or video chats. And know that these feelings will ebb and flow throughout the year. 

“老”与. 新朋友 

交朋友对一些人来说比其他人更难. 如果你不那么外向, 交朋友会很累也很吓人, but if you stretch yourself to meet people from the beginning, 它会发生的.

For others, it may be hard to let go of high school friends. It is important to remember that it probably took years for those friendships to develop, so your college friendships often won’t be like them for at least a year. It will be tempting to run to those close friendships from high school, 但如果你这么做了, 你不会让你的新头发长出来. 高中友谊会改变, 有些会逐渐消失, 但这是友谊的季节. If you’re prayerful, patient and flexible, new and lasting friendships can and will develop.


上大学意味着重新开始. Those of you who were good students in high school may get your first C on a test.

那么你是谁?? Those of you who were well known and were involved in everything will face a situation where you are one of 400 new students — you have to start over. Those of you who were varsity basketball players may not make the team, and those of you who were honors students may get average grades at Westmont.

在这段过渡时期要有耐心. God will be stretching your old definition of what it means to be you, 如果你是开放和灵活的, you may be surprised and happy with the new you you see on graduation day.

你是一名正式的韦斯特蒙特战士. 现在?


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